Is the Mexican government giving migrants a map to US

The Mexican government commission says it will distribute at least 70,000 maps showing highways, rescue beacons, and water tanks in the Arizona desert to curb the death toll among illegal border crossers.
FACT - Mexican's working in the US send home to Mexico 16 billion annually, the second largest source of foreign currency next to oil for the Mexican Government.
What do you think the motives of the Mexican Government are? Helping people or keeping that 16 billion or better yet even coming home?
You've heard that we're exporting the American economy down to Mexico via NAFTA. Back in the 90s, I really thought that NAFTA was a good for everyone but as we can see, it has only allowed American companies to sustain their profits while turning American into consumers rather than producers of goods and kept the Mexican worker in the same working conditions at the same pay. I'm not sure anyone would have thought that NAFTA would have taken away so many American manufacturing jobs. Now that the Mexican government plans to give people maps showing the way to the US, what is the future of the American economy? The Mexican government says that the maps to save its citizens and/or convince its citizens not to go to the US. The bottom of the map says "don't go" and the routes are marked dangerous because "there is no water". I think that most people would get a map to aide their migration into the US rather than use it to convince themselves not to make the journey. Should the US government do nothing to stop the Mexican government?
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