Monday, February 27, 2006

Preacher stirs up emotions at South Georgia College

Below is a news clip from my hometown paper in Douglas, GA. I'm really surprised that this was actually a top headline in a rural south GA town. I wonder if the newspaper editors are liberal.

DOUGLAS GA---Donnie Morris, a traveling preacher who hails from Wrightsville, caused quite a ruckus on the campus of South Georgia College this week as he preached against homosexuality, fornication, wearing tight clothes, listening to rock music and a host of other things he considers sinful. Morris set up shop between the student union and the library Wednesday around noon and began preaching. Over two hours later, he was still at it. A crowd of about 30 mostly irate students surrounded him as he spoke. "You don't have to wear revealing clothes, not even in the summer. I can wear pants and long sleeves and be cooler than you in your short shorts and cut off shirts," said Morris. His comments spawned questions, protests, and, in some cases, downright anger from the crowd. "I don't know what Bible you're reading," said one. "I thought God was love. What you're saying isn't love," said another. Campus police stood by, just in case. But nothing out of the way took place. After he wrapped up, Morris said he preaches what is called controversial evangelism. "It's a different kind of ministry. People get mad but the message ultimately raises awareness. My goal is to see people get saved," said Morris. "I preach against homosexuality, fornication, drunkenness, rock and roll, and that makes the college kids mad. I also preach against once saved, always saved, and that makes the Baptists mad. People come to me and scream and holler, but it gets them thinking.

I wonder what scriptures he uses to backup rock and roll as a sin?


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