Living Life Out Loud: Taking Life from Online to Something More Real
Its October 11th and the time has come to call an end. My interest have changed and I now find it more appealing to share my life in person or realtime rather than online. Thank you to all those who have followed this blog site. It really has been fun sharing my life through words and pictures with all of you. I've met a couple of great people through this site (Dustin in Portland by way of Florida and Eric the online stalker from MN) and have had many stimulating conversations with others about topics that I have posted. To everyone whose blogs I adore and follow (Dan, Dustin, Hammer, and Mel) keep up the good work, I will continue to visit your sites! If anyone would like to visit me, I'm located in Los Angeles (City of Reseda). Before you visit, send me an email. And so it is - The End!
Wow. Another one hits the brakes. It seems like closing blog sites is the cool thing to do these day.
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